Welcome 2021
Celebrated 31st Dec with the team to welcome 2021 in Style and Bid farewell to the year 2020 as challenging as it was!
FAS Team becomes Santa during the Winter Donation Drive
Covid Lockdown Initiative
CEDIA Certification Trainings for FAS Team Members to come out sharper and stronger
Moved in to our New Office
Moved in to our New Office Post Covid to accelerate our growth to the next level
Harsh Mehta accomplished COI
Harsh Mehta accomplished COI – CEDIA Outreach Instructor Training
Covid Lockdown Initiative
Employee Outreach Activities during Covid Lockdown, made sure we are not worn out, but ready to charge back as soon as unlock Happens!!
Launched a Unique initiative to Create Support Channel
Launched a Unique initiative to Create Support Channel for USA based clients and extend an Online Support During Lockdown